I made a little money from this strategy, but it's still a little different from the big guys. I always play with 50u, and the main warehouse is spot. Want to learn? All for free, just below.

I found that no one wants to look at the goods, so I will release a leveraged contract strategy.

1. Funds: 50u of leveraged contract funds (not as good as the big guys),

2. Betting direction: news-oriented (mainly based on my judgment before the release of major US macro data to bet 50u leverage)

3. Betting cycle: half of the time cycle is once every half a month.

4. Holding time and profit and loss strategy: The contract or leverage holding time (about 7 days) is closed regardless of whether it is profitable or not. (The position will not be closed if the price does not rise or fall by a certain amount within the time, unless there is a margin call, which has not happened yet.

5. Trading Currency: $BTC $SOL and$ENA (Those who have been following for a long time know that I am a loyal supporter of ENA)