Wu said that according to Reuters, the top Massachusetts securities regulator, Secretary of State Bill Galvin, is investigating the trading activities of GameStop investor Keith Gill, who became famous as Roaring Kitty in 2021 as the soul of the meme stock "retail investors vs. Wall Street". Roaring Kitty posted on Reddit three years later, showing her $116 million bet on GameStop, causing GameStop's stock price to soar on Monday; in addition, her GameStop options position may have made tens of millions of dollars in paper profits. Galvin investigated Gill's activities in 2021, but closed the case after reaching a settlement with Gill's former employer MassMutual, but MassMutual failed to properly supervise Gill's activities. The SEC investigated the 2021 meme stock craze and ultimately found that the market system was operating well and there was no evidence that short sellers accused by retail investors were behind the craze.