To compare Algorand (ALGO) to Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), we can look at historical price highs and current prices. Such a comparison can give an insight into how much ALGO's price should be if it were to match BTC or ETH after a percentage drop from its peak value.

**1. Historical highs and current prices:**


- Historical high: $2.8717

- Current price: $0.1820

- Down: $2.8717 - $0.1820 = $2.6897

- Percentage decline: ($2.6897 / $2.8717) * 100 ≈ 93.66%

- **BTC/USDT:**

- All-time high: $73,777.00

- Current price: $68,908.45

- Decrease: $73,777.00 - $68,908.45 = $4,868.55

- Percentage drop: ($4,868.55 / $73,777.00) * 100 ≈ 6.60%

- **ETH/USDT:**

- Historical high: $4,868.00

- Current price: $3,765.93

- Decrease: $4,868.00 - $3,765.93 = $1,102.07

- Percentage decline: ($1,102.07 / $4,868.00) * 100 ≈ 22.64%

**2. ALGO price if it matched BTC and ETH percentage drop:**

- **If ALGO's drop was the same as BTC:**

- Fall by 6.60% from the maximum value:

- Price: $2.8717 * (1 - 0.0660) ≈ $2.6823

- **If ALGO's drop was the same as ETH's:**

- Fall by 22.64% from the maximum value:

- Price: $2.8717 * (1 - 0.2264) ≈ $2.2218


If ALGO had experienced the same percentage drop as BTC (6.60%), its price would be around $2.6823. If it had experienced the same percentage drop as ETH (22.64%), its price would be around $2.2218. ALGO is currently trading well below these values, indicating a larger relative decline compared to BTC and ETH.