Which coin will be the next $NOT that will increase by more than 4 times? Do you want to invest?

The current market is slowly becoming active, and many spot currencies can also find opportunities to invest. Don't wait and miss the opportunity!

I believe everyone has seen the market during this period. First, the currency in the meme sector exploded, and then the game sector exploded!

The popular currencies that exploded in the meme sector include $PEPE , $PEOPLE , Bome, Wif, Floki, etc. Among them, the spot Pepe recommended by Dabai Mingpai in the square can be doubled, and the records can be checked!

Other spot currencies such as Bome, Wif, and Floki are spot passwords for VIP investment, and they also gained a lot of gains in that wave of explosions!

Not to mention contracts, there are more VIP layouts. For example, the people contract in the meme sector has gained more than 40%, and the new coin NOT contract in the game sector has gained up to 4 times without leverage. It's really fierce. No one can hold it for so long, and the spot can hold it for so long! So new coins are opportunities, and it's easy to explode 4 times!

First of all, the old iron who has been following Dabai for a long time should know that Dabai has emphasized more than once the five hot sectors that he is optimistic about before the bull market comes:

AI smart sector, meme coin sector, game sector, big cake second-layer ecological sector, ETH-related second-layer ecological sector

Dabai has really emphasized these five sectors countless times, and the related hot currencies have also been told to Dabai countless times

There is also the way of spot layout, Dabai has really emphasized it many times, and the layout is divided into batches to bottom out, don't miss every opportunity to fall!

Recently, it has also rotated to the game sector. For example, the not in the game sector has increased by more than 4 times, which is really fierce!

Therefore, the opportunity to pay attention to new coins is really great. As long as the subsequent narrative is grand, plus the popular coins belonging to the hot sectors, plus the upcoming bull market, with multiple blessings, the new coins will double, and it is no big deal to double several times!

ETH's ETF has been approved, but it has not started trading. It takes some time to start trading slowly after watching the news. As long as it is fully opened in the future, market funds will flow in, liquidity will increase, and the big market will come. It will be too late for you to plan!

The second half of the bull market has begun!

Be prepared, the market in the next few months will be very exciting!

1. The monthly line of the big cake touches the rising support line and stabilizes, starting the second round of upward attack, aiming at a historical high.

2. In the second half of Ethereum, under multiple favorable expectations (ETF, ecological gradual prosperity, positive deflation, more and more pledge tools and data, etc.), it will only be strong and not weak, just keep waiting

3. AI, games, social, MEME, public chain, pledge, wallet, are still the main line of hype in this round of bull market narrative, and the rotation rhythm is still effective.

Only when the wind comes, the banknotes will dance

Dabai bull market faith recharge base layout new currency spot, the fat face will always recharge faith for everyone, Dabai has an account that has been pledged before, and it has not been played much. The second half of the bull market is coming, and the pledge has been taken out. I have summarized the u of other accounts, and there are still about 820,000 u. This account is ready to lay out the spot, find new coins or popular coins in hot sectors!

Spot layout needs to seize opportunities and wait for the wind to come. This time, Dabai found a good friend who is suitable for short-term and long-term play. It is not a problem to double the short-term and several times in the long term. The layout is the next NOT!

3wu, 5wu, 10wu and above old friends follow Dabai's 820,000u to layout spot and layout the next NOT. Don't you feel uncomfortable if you can get several times in the short term? You say it's impossible, then the increase of NOT is there, is there anything unbelievable?

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