Currency: NOT

Latest price: 0.02465

Fundamental data:

24-hour trading volume: 242787298154.384964

24-hour trading volume (USD): 5479376505.527078Current price: 0.02465

24-hour price change percentage: 14.28%

Description: Notcoin was originally a viral Telegram game that brought many users into web3 through a click-to-earn mining mechanism.

Effective information obtained after interpretation: The NOT currency has risen significantly in the past 24 hours, but the project behind it originated from a viral Telegram game, which attracted many users to the web3 field.

Operational advice: When considering short-term investment, you can pay attention to market sentiment and technical indicators, but be cautious because the project behind the currency is not a traditional blockchain project; long-term investment requires a more in-depth investigation of the project to ensure its value and sustainability. It is not advisable to blindly follow the trend at present, and risks need to be carefully assessed.

Regarding the expectation of price increase: Due to the lack of sufficient project fundamentals support, there is great uncertainty in the expectation of price increase in the short term. The expectation of price increase in the long term also needs to be carefully evaluated. It is recommended to wait for more substantive information to be disclosed before making a decision. #NOT币有前景吗