Stories of the Cryptocurrency Circle: Long-term holding is the antidote to violent fluctuations!

In hundreds of years of financial history, many heroes have fought in the financial field and achieved impressive achievements: Soros, a financial crocodile who dared to short sovereign currencies; Peter Lynch, who studied hundreds of stocks at the same time, "made decisions" every day, and had an annual return of up to 29.2%; Jesse Livermore, who made a profit of $100 million by shorting during the stock market crash in 1929.

Many successful people have their own "unique skills", and their investment systems are often completely different from others.

He is an evergreen in the financial field. He believes that "you only need to be rich once in life", that is, he believes that as long as the method is correct, everyone will be rich and will not fail. In a speech, he listed in detail how many "ordinary people" who adopted similar investment systems as him used the correct theory to defeat those fund managers in the long run.

As long as the direction is correct, no matter how far the road is, you will eventually arrive!

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