The chart has a similar format and each bar represents 144 days (144 days is an important number in time analysis).

Here are the components and notes of this chart:

- The movement is in a large ascending channel, and the price is currently in the upper part of the channel and is still maintaining it. (Blue)

- It still maintains the rising trend within the channel. (the black)

Each yellow square represents a period of 144 days and shows that whenever Bitcoin rises by 90%, a correction occurs.

- The current column. Bitcoin jumped inside the channel to the upper part to pave the way for an upcoming movement with a new behavior.

- In the next column, I placed a green box representing a 90% rise, and the measurement starts from the current prices between 65,000-70,000 as a simulation of the next movement, which is on June 17, on the basis that the price will fluctuate until that date, and then we update the drawing of the green box more accurately.


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