I simply believe that in our beginnings in the crypto world we all screw up, in one way or another, and the one who doesn't is because he was smart enough and perhaps followed someone else's advice.

When we enter this world we always make mistakes so simple that they become stupid. As for my experience, I tell you that I did not start in futures, I started with binary trading of course on another platform, it goes without saying that it was much more the money I lost than the one I won, and although there are obviously many people who make money with binaries, it was not my case, so I decided to change gears, I was between forex and futures, here I am.

The truth is that after going through that, I decided to be more cautious when investing my money, in which cryptocurrency to invest it since it was new to me, in which wallet to have it, and where and where not to connect my wallet.

As a beginner, you must understand that no one is going to give you free cryptocurrencies, keeping that in mind, never EVER connect your wallet to any website that promises to give you cryptocurrencies.

If you want to obtain or invest in any cryptocurrency, do it through regular and safe means, starting with a good exchange, in this case Binance.

We can buy our cryptos in Spot 👇

When you enter there you will see this:

If you want to buy at once, place your order in "market". This way your purchase will be made at the exact moment in which you make the transaction. Contrary to this is the "limit" mode which in a few words serves to leave an order at the price you want.

Regarding Spot purchases, in general there is a minimum, which is $5, any cryptocurrency that you are going to buy must be a minimum of $5, but for example with the cryptocurrency in the image, the minimum is 1$ and this depends on the amount in exchange.

However, suppose you do not want to buy either $5 or $1 of a cryptocurrency, and you want to invest $0.5, Spot trading will not allow it, due to the aforementioned condition, so what should you do?

In the same Trading section, you will find a tab called "Convert/Converter", you will find the simple system that can be seen in the image, there you will choose the pairs to exchange. Suppose we want to exchange 0.000016BNB to Usdt, we just have to place that figure in the first box, and the conversion will be done automatically, to which you must select "preview conversion".

As you can see, the converter allows conversions between cryptocurrencies in super minimum amounts and without commissions. It is important to note that the conversion will be carried out immediately and at the market rate, as can be seen in the image.

If we try to buy 0.000016BNB through Spot, the page will automatically produce a rejection and a notice of "please enter a valid number." In this case, $5 as I already mentioned.

This is the regular method to buy cryptocurrencies, if you are a beginner, one of the pillars that you should keep in mind about cryptocurrencies is that there is always a buy zone and a sell zone and the middle point is a loss, do not be fooled or buy For Fomo, learn to analyze and do not depend on any analyst or mentor, it is good to know other people's opinions, however, we cannot trust our investment in it.

Perform the famous DYOR, Do Your Own Research, and when you are sure make your purchase, never sell at a loss and do not invest money that you are not willing to lose, and it is not that you lose money in Spot, because that is certainly not the case, Spot is the safest method of investment, however, in the event that the price of the cryptocurrency you purchased drops below your purchase zone, you should prepare to hold, that is, keep the cryptocurrency until it reaches the expected price.

I hope this content is useful to you.

Success in your investments beginner friends, don't give up and always keep going đŸ’Ș
