1. Avoid frequent market watching and excessive attention to prices. If you find yourself staring at prices all day and feeling anxious, you may be caught in a gambling behavior. Investment should be based on rationality and long-term planning, not short-term gambling behavior.
2. Invest cautiously, especially in the absence of experience. The currency circle is a world full of routines. Don't invest too much money before you have enough experience. Use funds that you can afford to lose to play with coins, so that even if you lose money, it will not affect your life and mentality. It is recommended to strictly follow the plan, take risks with a small amount of money, and gradually accumulate experience. This is the most cost-effective way to spend money to buy experience.
3. Diversify investments and explore different ways to make money. The currency circle is not just about making money by speculating in coins, there are many other ways to make money. The return is usually proportional to the investment, but at the same time, you should also pay attention to risk control and don't bet everything. I hope you and I can seize this wave of dividends and realize wealth appreciation. #BTC☀ #UNI📈 #BICO #APT