#热门话题 Nanny level: Even a 70-year-old mother can learn how to make money in the circle

(1) It is crucial to choose a trustworthy trading platform for digital currency trading. Otherwise, you may face the risk of the trading platform suddenly closing, causing your digital assets to vanish. Exchanges like FTX, which were once valued at more than 10 billion US dollars, also declared bankruptcy in 2022, which is enough to warn us that we must be cautious when choosing an exchange. At present, exchanges such as BiAN and OK are highly trusted for their sufficient asset reserves.

(2) To make money in this circle, you need to at least understand some basic knowledge of the circle. For example, you should be clear about basic concepts such as USDT, on-chain technology, public chain, and BTC and ETH. These are the basis for you to enter the digital currency field. Of course, this is just the starting point.

(3) Reasonable position management is crucial. Due to the high risk of currency speculation, you must strictly control the amount of funds invested. It is not recommended to invest all funds in the cryptocurrency market to avoid major financial losses. Although I invested most of my idle funds in the currency circle, I mainly concentrated on Bitcoin and Ethereum, and only about 45% of the funds were used to invest in other spot. When I achieved a 102-fold return before, I did not invest heavily (my thigh was broken) to ensure that I could make continuous and stable profits, and I did not pursue a one-time high return and then return to zero. Position control is the key to achieving continuous returns.

(4) Choose professional and reliable bloggers, but never blindly follow them. When you first get involved in this field, you may feel confused. At this time, if there is a guide (such as me) who can provide you with guidance, including how to register for an exchange, purchase and withdraw digital currencies, and analyze market trends and trading opportunities, it will be of great help to you. However, you must understand that the final investment decision should be your own responsibility because the funds are yours. At the same time, no industry bigwig can always correctly predict market trends, and the same is true for me. If I could only make money, I would doubt whether I have superpowers.

(5) It is crucial to follow market trends. If you plan to trade low-multiple contracts, be sure to recognize the market direction.During a bull market, avoid shorting because the market is more likely to rise; and during a bear market, be cautious about going long because the risk of a market decline increases. For example, in the early stages of the current bull market, it is strongly recommended to avoid shorting.

Perhaps you don’t know that when the price of Bitcoin was 73,000+, I placed orders at 62,000, 60,000, and 56,000 to cover positions, and I took nearly 10,000 points. I don’t brag, and I have records.

If you feel helpless and confused in trading at the moment, and want to learn more about the relevant knowledge of the cryptocurrency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to find me. Welcome to like, forward, and leave a message. I need fans and you need references. It’s better to follow than to guess.