#5月非农数据即将公布 #MegadropLista

The recent volatility of the new Bi is really amazing, which makes An Ge very excited. I still remember that when bb and not came out, An Ge allowed his friends to participate in the new products, but he didn't do much research. Now I see that when they are online, they just rush in.

bb has been rising in the past few days, and it has also increased by 170%. Looking at not, it is terrifying. There is no downward trend at all. It has risen all the way to 0.29. The increase is 450%, a direct four-fold increase, and the increase list is directly dominated by the new Bi.

In the past few days, the current market rotation has come to the chain game, and the chain game Bi species have begun to appear on the increase list. This is also the sector that An Ge has always emphasized to his friends. It seems that after the meme, the next breakthrough of AI will be rotated to the chain game.

An Ge has a layout for the chain game, and he has also publicly shared pixels with his friends. Those who followed Ang Ge’s operation can now get some benefits. It went from 0.4 to 0.5 in one day. This increase of more than ten points is not small. As for Xinbi, Ang Ge only got a few thousand BBs for mining, which were also given after the launch. Now it seems that he was just patting his thighs. He told his friends that it was 0.3 and they could just rush at will. As a result, he didn’t receive it. It’s a bit uncomfortable.

Find the heat to study the spot code and follow Ang Ge to lay out. This is a reminder to my friends in advance. Ang Ge, who wants to follow the spot layout, is waiting for you in the free spot skirt.