#tnsr #StartInvestingInCrypto


I told you guys about $TNSR some time ago, saying it will rise, you can open a position

Now it has really risen📈📈

The yellow dot appears at the 4-hour level, which is a long signal. Pay attention to the position around 1.3137. As long as the downward trend does not break this position, the general direction is still bullish. The current daily level is also bullish, which is in line with the same direction. Wait for the green dot to close at 8 o'clock, and enter the long position

It is expected to reach 1.5$ before 12 o'clock tonight

Brothers, hurry up and add positions. It's about to take off 🚀#Velocore漏洞事件 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 $BTC $TNSR