How to gradually cultivate worldly wisdom?

1. Learn to perform: hide your own intentions, show a simple and lovely image on the outside, but be very clear and understand in your heart.

2. Stay alert: When it comes to core interests, learn to play dumb and answer "I don't know, I don't understand, I'm not clear".

3. Be good at saying things: get all kinds of information from others inadvertently, so that the other party is willing to share more during the chat.

4. Win people's hearts: focus on personal interests and manage your own social circle.

5. Build a persona: maintain your image, and once you encounter difficulties and crises, you can retreat without leaving any handle.

6. Be good at handling things: take the moral high ground, so that others cannot refute or feel guilty.

7. Forbearance: consider the long-term, take the overall situation into consideration, do not easily show hostility, and even if you show emotions, it is for a specific purpose.

8. Ruthless: strong execution, hidden beliefs, and can be ruthless when necessary.

9. Rationality: Control emotions, don't lose your composure easily, know how to cooperate, see the situation clearly, and don't let emotions affect your thinking.

10. See through others and be tolerant at the right time: When you meet a jealous person, let him show off more; when others show off, praise appropriately and keep a low profile.

11. Know how to socialize: Deepen interpersonal relationships by asking for help or expressing gratitude.

12. Be sensitive and careful: Listen to the implicit meaning, answer according to the other person's wishes based on micro-expressions.

13. Don't take the initiative to make enemies: See the interest relationship clearly, and stay gentle as long as it does not harm the core interests.

14. Keep your mouth shut: Don't open your heart easily, protect your weaknesses and handles, and be a selfish and indifferent person.

15. Don't make comments casually: Smile more and listen more, express your opinions logically and emotionally, and change other people's ideas.

16. Be open-minded: Have long-term plans for yourself, don't be confused about the general direction, and occasionally suffer a little loss in small things, which is harmless.


