In the evening of yesterday, the price fell back, and in the morning of the day, the price continued the downward trend of yesterday evening, and the low came to the position of 3761, and then rebounded. In terms of trend, it was a trend of one more and one short at the weekend, and yesterday Wei Yi gave more near 3750, which also gave Nali space. From the current structure, the main short trend last week, and from the current indicators, it will go up, so you can pay attention to the bottom line support and look up.

Auntie's idea: more near 3770, target 3890

Big cake can be more low. $BTC $ETH #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析 #美众议院通过FIT21法案