Last night, Ethereum surged to around 3840, and then began to fluctuate downward in an orderly manner, until today's morning low of around 3753. Yesterday's long orders also took profits here. It can only be said that the market has always been good. It is important to find a suitable analyst to give you a wave of professional analysis and reasonable position planning. The current price is around 3780.

From the hourly line, the current market trend will have a small retracement, and it is expected that it will not break 3750. The current price fluctuates around 3780. It is not difficult to see that 3750 below is a strong support level. We patiently wait for the market to move out. We participated in the morning with low longs.

Ethereum idea: long near 3760, target 3850#美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓 $BTC