$ICP Please check the date and time when this was posted before taking action 📣 Call me crazy, but I just bought ICP 🟱 Here is why

1) The current hourly price is below the moving average and the MACD indicator is at its trough.

2) Understand that the current pricing is a very old resistance point dating back to January 2024.

3) On a micro level the current price is at resistance since May 13th (in other words now you are buying cheap).

4) What makes people skeptical at this point is that the token looks like it is in a consolidation phase, but in reality, this migh be very very benificial for BOT traders and the likelyhood of the price slipping is slim.

Best case scenario, the price will start sloping upward and hit 12.10 which is an approx 2% increase. Even if the price slips, honestly I don't care, it will make its way back up Insha Allah.

Good luck to All đŸ‘đŸ»âœš