The bargaining mentality of many people is often evident after they take profits. Once sold at a high price, they tend to want to buy it back at a lower price, wanting to optimize by waiting for the price to decrease, trying to catch the bottom.
However, this sometimes causes them to miss opportunities during a bullrun season. Instead of getting bigger profits as the market continues to rise, they only gain a few % profits and sometimes have to stand by and watch the market grow strongly and lose their good position.
This is really what I've been through, holding USDT and not daring to buy it back, then fomo and stuck with stoploss, then the market increased again fomo. A cycle that causes the account to grow slowly, even losing money even though altcoins are x2 x3 respectively.
This season the mentality is stronger, mistakes of the past will be learned, hold firmly. LFG!
#Megadrop #StartInvestingInCrypto #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #bullrun