Position management and fund management seem simple, but it is not easy to do it right. Many people lose everything because they don't understand this.

**Why full position 10x leverage? **

You always open a full position 10x leverage. Have you really considered the certainty of each market? You should increase leverage in high-certainty markets and play less in low-certainty markets. It's like a casino. You can't go all-in every time. You should bet heavily when you are sure, and stop when you are not sure.

**The difference between a bull market and a bear market**

In a bull market, it's not a big problem to invest all your money. There are many opportunities in a big bull market, and you can get it back by going long at any time. But now the market is so difficult, you are about to lose everything, and you still use your credit card to play? This is irrational. Many people can't make 1,000 yuan. Can borrowing tens of thousands guarantee profits? This is obviously unreasonable. If you can't guarantee profits, why borrow money to play?

**Market and opportunities**

The current market is indeed more difficult than the bull market, with fewer opportunities, scarce liquidity, and it is difficult for large funds to make money. But there are still opportunities for small funds. After the big funds, we should reduce greed and strengthen risk control. Even the most stable things may have black swan events, otherwise why are they called black swans. Look at the recent examples of so many big funds returning to poverty, such as FTX, which are all lessons from the past.

**Actual case**

In 2021, I originally limited myself to no more than 20% of the principal in any mine. As a result, I encountered a magic mine, which had a daily turnover of 10% in the first three days, almost risk-free, and I got so excited that I broke the rules and ended up with a big cut. Now I have several high-annualized financial projects, which I think are very stable and low-risk, but each project does not exceed 10% of the funds.

**Core of position management**

1. **Risk diversification**: The investment in each project does not exceed 10%-20% of the total funds to avoid the risk of losing everything.

2. **Risk control awareness**: No matter how good the market is, you must have risk control awareness to avoid being caught off guard by black swan events.

3. **Reasonable leverage**: Appropriate leverage is applied in high-certainty markets, and leverage is reduced or even not applied in low-certainty markets.

4. **Stay rational**: Invest rationally and don’t be blinded by temporary high returns and break the established investment rules.

Investing is a marathon, not a sprint.You need patience and strategy to survive in this market for a long time. I wish everyone can make real money in the market. #Crypto🚀🚀 #投资策略 #仓位管理 #风险控制