The first winning rule of currency circle trading is to wait patiently and be empty. The most difficult thing about currency circle trading is to wait in an empty position. In the field of investment, as long as you have patience and learn to wait, you will definitely benefit, especially in currency trading. If you wait patiently, you will wait for a good price and a good buying point, but people are more chasing immediate interests and are really afraid of missing 100 million. But in real life, too many leeks cannot tolerate waiting, and the waiting is too long to bear. If you can't bear it, it is recommended to find other things to do, deal with mountains, rivers, flowers and plants, enrich yourself, and forget the forbidden land of the heart demon that can be operated at any time 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Entering the currency circle, no matter how high your emotional intelligence is, how high your IQ is, but you have no patience, you will end up being a leek that is completely defeated and terrible. Because most of them have quite unstable personalities and emotions, it is easy for the currency circle to reveal their bad temper, resulting in unstable mentality and distorted operations. If you think you are unlucky and terrible during the process of currency circle investment, and always operate distorted, you might as well go out more, get lucky, and walk more and your luck will come. Mountains and rivers can absorb the evil spirit of investors, cultivate their mood, and become the source of their personal spirit.

Waiting, patience, and short positions are very challenging. After countless data statistics by predecessors in the currency circle, such a set of data was obtained.

1. If the transaction is more than 10 times a day, the average return rate in 3 years is -79.2%.

2. If the transaction is more than 5 times a day, the average return rate in 3 years is -55%.

3. If the transaction is more than 1 time a day, the average return rate in 3 years is -31.5%;

4. If the transaction is more than 0.3 times a day, the average return rate in 3 years is 12%;

5. If the transaction is 0.1 times a day, the average return rate in 3 years is 59%;

6. More than 90% of people lose money in transactions, which shows how difficult it is to reduce the frequency of transactions. In a magical market that changes all the time, it is difficult to do nothing.

Years of experience of old leeks in the currency circle. Real traders only care about two things: what to do if the trend proves that they are right after buying, and what to do if the trend proves that they are wrong after buying. Trading opportunities are not always available, so patience is especially important. Be patient in shorting and wait for the trend and opportunity. Be patient in holding and wait for the trend to end.Accumulate patiently, compound interest is the way to go. Learn patiently, and you can make a breakthrough only after accumulating a lot.

There are only two types of people who make money in the cryptocurrency circle.

The first type is people who will wait patiently with empty positions, wait for a big drop, add the value coins they have identified to their favorites in advance, and buy them in full positions when the market drops sharply, making a lot of money.

The second type is value investors, who buy in a bear market, buy high-quality coins, hold them for a long time, and make fixed investments to let compound interest roll and explode magic.

If you do the above two points, you will definitely outperform 90% of the leeks in the cryptocurrency circle who chase ups and downs and save worry and effort.

When the market develops according to the judgment of the trader, you don’t need to do anything, just watch patiently. Therefore, you must understand that the act of trading is only a matter of a moment. In 365 days a year, the actual trading time may only be a few hours, and the rest is a long and lonely wait. The most important thing in trading is waiting. 99% of the time is waiting, and buying and selling is only in a moment! Wait for opportunities with empty positions, and wait for pockets with positions! Wait for the fruit to ripen! Wait for opportunities within your own trading system and trading model, that is, buying and selling points. Waiting takes time and patience, so patience is important!

Investing in the cryptocurrency circle requires patience. Whether it is waiting for the opportunity with an empty position or waiting for the rise with a full position, it is a must. Realizing that investment is like farming, there is no rush to harvest after sowing, and understanding that growth takes time, such waiting becomes natural. Just as farmers follow the laws of nature and know that there is a waiting period between sowing and harvesting, cryptocurrency investors understand the market cycle and can calmly face waiting and regard it as part of the investment process, as indispensable and calm as daily breathing.

For the current cryptocurrency market, there is such a rule in the cryptocurrency circle, that is, the rhythm of the bull market always goes first with the calf, and then goes through a period of decline and shock washing, and finally ushered in the real bull market. This is like a marathon, first jogging to warm up, then accumulating strength with a medium-speed run, and finally sprinting with all your strength!

At present, the cryptocurrency circle has finished the calf section, and may enter a period of shock or decline next. This stage will last for 4 to 6 months at most, and 1 to 2 months at the shortest, like a short storm.Please be patient, after the storm, there will be a brilliant rainbow!