In the world of retail investors, high-leverage trading is often favored for the excitement and entertainment it can bring. However, although this investment method is short-lived and tempting, it actually hides huge risks and has a relatively low winning rate. Especially in the context of high leverage provided by exchanges, it is more like a "meat grinder" designed for novice investors, and a little carelessness may lead to falling into the abyss.

However, on the contrary, the easiest way for retail investors to make profits is often to choose high-quality assets with long-term growth potential and hold them firmly. Whether it is Bitcoin or other value coins, as long as the right target is chosen, long-term holding can often bring considerable returns.

However, this investment method requires investors to have enough patience and determination, because it is often accompanied by smaller fluctuations and longer holding periods. In this process, investors may experience a long period of "boredom", seeing other investors making quick money through short-term transactions, and may even be ridiculed and questioned by them. But it is this seemingly boring and lonely holding experience that is the key to the road to success.

As time goes by, you will find that those who pursue short-term three to five times returns can be prosperous in a short period of time, but there are very few people who can really achieve three to five times returns within a year. And those who shout slogans and trade frequently in the group often disappear after a few months. This is because the capital market is always against human nature, and it will not easily give you rich returns because you desire quick success.

Therefore, it is important for retail investors to recognize the nature of the market and their own limitations. Don't be fooled by short-term temptations, but be firm in your investment philosophy and choose an investment method that suits you. Only in this way can you achieve a steady appreciation of assets in the long run and go further on the road of investment.

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