That year I rented a house in Shanghai, and the old landlady suddenly said to me: I am 81 years old this year. From today on, you don’t have to pay me rent anymore. I only have one small wish!

I thought it was a pie in the sky, and asked hurriedly: You tell me, as long as I can do it, I will definitely agree!

She said: Please knock on my door every day when you go out. If you hear the sound of me knocking on the basin, you can go with peace of mind; if you can’t hear it, please call my son and daughter!

I didn’t have a good impression of this old landlady at first. She was very fussy when negotiating the rent and was very careful when collecting the rent. But that day we talked for a long time for the first time.

She said that she and her husband were also from the north. Later, their son bought a house here, and they followed him. Later, their son went abroad and their daughter married abroad. They wanted to go back to their hometown, but the house in their hometown had been sold long ago. In this way, the old couple had no relatives here and could only rely on each other.

Her husband passed away last year, and now she is the only one left.

After a while, the company arranged for me to go on a business trip for a week. When I came back, I knocked on the door, but there was no response. I quickly went to the property management, and the property management called the police. When the police opened the door, I saw her lying quietly on the bed, with a peaceful expression. The room was clean and tidy, and her clothes were neatly folded. There was an old photo album on the bedside table. It was open, and there were photos of her when she was young, photos with her husband, and photos of her children when they were young. She was gone. The forensic doctor said that she passed away two days ago and the cause of death was myocardial infarction.

I felt sad, thinking of the day before I went on a business trip, she knocked on the door and gave me a bottle of hot sauce, saying that it was her daughter's favorite, and baked me a few pancakes, saying that it was her son's favorite when he was a child. After saying that, she turned around and went back to her room. I didn't expect that this turn would be forever.

People often say that everything in the world is trivial except life and death. In fact, you will find that life and death are also trivial.

After the landlady passed away, her children came back in a hurry and left in a hurry again. There was little sadness on their faces. They discussed with me that if I was willing to continue living there, they would wait until the contract expired and then sell the house. If I didn't want to live there anymore, they would refund my rent and sell the house as soon as possible.

During those days, I felt sad and lonely. When I walked out of the house again, I was shocked and even angry: the outside world was normal and the people in the community were still lively!

It seemed that no one except me knew that an old woman had left this world alone. But soon I realized that, yes, if even her own children didn't care, who else could I expect to care?

I can only comfort myself by force. She at least achieved the legendary "death of old age", which is the dream of many people. Every year, more than 9 million people in my country die for various reasons, and only 1.43% of them die naturally, painlessly, and in their sleep.

In those days, Shanghai had a heavy snowfall that had not been seen for many years. The snow was scattered all over the ground, pure white and solemn, as if heaven was welcoming someone.

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