A graphene structure with gold atoms to create goldeno, a catalyst material that produces hydrogen

'Goldene' is a novel material developed in Sweden, which arises from the combination of the structure of graphene with gold atoms, which gives rise to its name, a mixture of the words 'Gold' (gold) and 'Graphene' (graphene).

Goldeno retains the extraordinary properties of graphene.

Graphene has great potential to be applied in various fields thanks to its unique properties. In the specific case of batteries, their integration is being investigated to improve both efficiency and durability. Its potential benefits include higher energy density, allowing more energy to be stored in a small space, a big advantage for portable devices and electric vehicles.

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Its high conductivity allows for faster charge times and longer life by reducing degradation. It could also significantly reduce the overall weight of the battery, which, in the case of an electric vehicle, translates into greater range. However, its large-scale and pure production faces technical and economic challenges that, for now, prevent its commercialization. Continued research in this field is essential to unlock the full potential of graphene in batteries and other applications.

A team of researchers from the Swedish University of Linköping has developed an innovative material that they have called 'golden', since it is composed by integrating gold atoms into the structure of graphene, thus creating very thin sheets composed of a single layer of gold atoms. . This architecture has also given rise to a name formed by the union of the name of its two components in English: the fusion of the words 'gold' and 'graphene'.