As I've said in the past, I don't want to get into political merit, but a former USA president running for this year's presidential election found guilty of all 34 counts is news that has no precedent in history.

I'm no one to say that what has been decided is true or false, but the circumstances are strange..

The world has been divided into two, West and East, we are on the brink of WW3 and there are those who say that it has already began and the most important election in the worl are being conditioned by this legal process.

I and those who follow me are investors and we therefore have to ask ourselves only one question:

What will this mean for the markets? $BTC @Bitcoin ?

It's hard to say, but for now we know that probably until election day the markets will continue to follow their trend.

Always remember,

the markets talk to us,

they give us the information we need to understand what will happen even before the news comes out.

You just need to know how to read.

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