Avalon: An AI-enabled MMO universe built by a well-known team, spanning#GameFi+#AItracks, with a total financing of up to US$24 million!

The mission system will be launched on May 17th, making it easy to earn tokens!

Task Guide:

1️⃣ Visit the Avalon official website: http://avalon.online/quests and log in using your Twitter account.

2️⃣ Enter the invitation code LVCCQH to get an extra 200 points and enter the task interface.

3️⃣ Sign in daily to easily receive points rewards!

4️⃣ Participate in the colorful tasks below, which will be updated from time to time. You can earn more tokens by completing the tasks!

Avalon Highlights:

  • Created by a well-known team with strong strength!

  • Empowered by AI, the gaming experience is taken to the next level!

  • Combining#GameFi+ #AI, double the benefits!

  • Total financing is US$24 million, with huge potential!

Join now and be the first to make money!

Kind tips:

  • Please make sure your Twitter account is consistent with your registration information.

  • Task rules may be updated at any time, please refer to the official website for information.

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