Have you ever thought, as an employee or worker who receives a fixed monthly salary, that you would become wealthy? This idea becomes possible only if you keep up with the times and give yourself the opportunity to use the digital currencies that have become the talk of the world in recent years?...

The password behind extreme wealth is trust in digital currencies. Bitcoin is the most expensive in the world and its price is constantly increasing. The supply and demand market has always fallen in its favor because it does not fall into the hands of any central authority, whether banks, governments, or others. 

Virtual currencies are the most confusing for investors in the world, as no one yet knows the reason for their great value, so whoever buys these cryptocurrency virtual currencies is supposed to be patient and smart enough to buy and sell them at the right time to obtain the gain that will make him rich.

As is the case, some people lost their money in this virtual electronic world, which is not controlled by banks or the government, while others rushed to buy, but despite the turmoil that must occur like anything in the world, encrypted digital currencies have changed. Cryptocurrency lives many lives around the world.

We review stories of real people explaining how this currency transformed their lives.

Rachel Siegel: From teacher to millionaire

She is currently 29 years old; A substitute teacher in a New York City public school, Rachel Siegel recounted living in a dark Lower East Side apartment where every window faced a brick wall.

Now, what is surprising is that she lives in a new house that she bought in the Caribbean overlooking the sea and she can see the sunrise and sunset from the balcony of the house. Siegel told her interview with The Post that her story began in 2017 after her friend invited her to attend a conference discussing the idea of ​​currencies. Cryptocurrency, and she explained that it was the first time in her life that she had found people with such enthusiasm and complete knowledge about something. What encouraged her was that all this desire and passion in these people who were talking about digital currencies would not make them lose the money they had.

Rachel then decided that she should start investing in digital currency; Indeed, she put all of the rest of her salary into this profitable project, which amounted to only about $25 a week. She did not explain the exact amount she earned, but she said that it was much more than the money she had and yet it was not enough to change her spending and purchasing habits.

She could not buy luxury cars or Rolex watches, but she was able to own her own house, unlike in past years when she looked at house prices and felt that it was impossible, which shows that she had obtained a sufficient amount of money, and she was also able to travel on a trip. She had wanted all her life to go to Dubai, first class on Emirates.
She also left her job as a substitute teacher in a public school and gave up the restrictions of the monthly salary, because there are much better opportunities in the world of digital currencies, and she currently works as an “influencer” and influencer who explains to people what encrypted digital currencies are, how they work, and created an account with them under the name @CryptoFinally.

Siegel added that her love for digital currency is that it benefits any “ordinary” person in the world; Siegel was a worker who did not have any technical experience or the necessary money, but she made millions of dollars in this field by becoming convinced of digital currencies and then learning how to win the market. She believes that this path is open to anyone who takes the same approach that she explained

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