Below is outstanding information about Bitcoin (BTC) in recent months:
The current price of Bitcoin is $67,477.50 per BTC/USD with a current market cap of $1,329.65B USD
Price fluctuation in the last 24 hours is -0.85%, and the price has changed as follows over different time periods:
30 days: +7.15%
60 days: -3.71%
90 days: +10.93%1.
Bitcoin's all-time high is $73,750.07
In the last 24 hours, the lowest price was $67,110.19 and the highest price was $68,852.46
Bitcoin is up 50% since the beginning of this year, with an eight-month high of $25,249 USD/BTC on February 16
Bitcoin has increased fiercely by nearly 50%, exceeding VND 1.5 billion, towards a historic peak$SOL
This information is for reference only and can change rapidly according to market developments. To update the latest information, you can follow news sites specializing in cryptocurrency or reputable cryptocurrency exchanges.