In my previous post, I suggested that we should stick with one cryptocurrency, even if it dips into the negative, and shared my own experience which cost me a lot. Unfortunately, some people misunderstood my main point. I wasn't advocating that we should only invest in Bitcoin or Ethereum exclusively. What I meant to convey is that while diversification is beneficial, the key is to remain patient and consistent. By diversification, I mean you can invest in Bitcoin, Ethereum, or even BNB. However, when these investments go negative, one should have the fortitude to stay patient and consistent. I shared my story of withdrawing my BTC to invest in something else when BTC was valued at $27k or $28k, and now it's worth $67k or $68k. Patience and consistency are crucial. At least, they are for me. This is my personal experience and suggestion. You are free to disagree with me.
