🛑🛑🛑 Social activity data for the SAND crypto token for May 2024 🛑🛑🛑

📊 The graph shows the number of mentions, interactions and new subscribers during this period. If you need any more data or additional graphs, let me know!

📈 Analyzing the data, you can see that the number of mentions, interactions and new subscribers grew steadily throughout May.

📅 The greatest increase in mentions occurred in the last days of the month, reaching 390 mentions on May 30. 📈

🔄 Interactions also increased, reaching 2,650 by the end of the month. 📈

👥The number of new subscribers followed the same trend, increasing to 195 by May 30th. 📈

📊 This data shows growing interest and community engagement around the SAND crypto asset throughout May 2024. 🚀