I know why people don't like to learn macroeconomics, because it's boring, because there is no wealth code, it's better to go for meme and projects? They think macroeconomics is useless, and they won't speculate in US stocks.

Even if US stocks are highly correlated with #BTC , people won't buy BTC. How much money can they make? Isn't it better to go for meme and contracts to get rich overnight?

Uh... Please think about this sentence carefully. Everything depends on the face of #btc . I don't know if you have noticed that many big projects will issue coins when BTC is high. Some of them will issue coins when the trend is bearish. So when you master the trend of BTC, combined with the projects you have in your hands, you will have a rough idea of ​​when to issue coins. Of course, project pua does not count...

Research project analysis. There is one point in essence. There are a few projects that will go against the trend when the market is not good. So do you want to learn the trend of BTC?

Meme, #pepe, #bome,#bonk#wif, etc., and the recently popular #maga. Is BTC rising well recently? How many of these awesome ones were produced when the market was bearish? Aren’t they all born and pulled up when BTC soared and sentiment fomo?

Contracts, whether playing BTC contracts or copycat contracts, don’t copycats follow BTC? . There are a few that go against the trend. Please remember, #btc is the low point of #btc . Do you do copycat contracts? In fact, you are doing BTC.

Don’t believe it? Go and compare the K-line yourself.

So do you want to learn BTC or learn macroeconomics? Of course, if you don’t learn macroeconomics, you can also master the long-term and short-term trends of BTC. As long as you verify that it is accurate, there is no problem.

If not, then learn macroeconomics steadily. In fact, macroeconomics is also very interesting. Learn the Merrill Lynch clock, the meaning of macro data such as CPI, unemployment rate, PCE, GDP, and the market impact of the logic behind it, etc., which is actually similar.

Can we say that the several surges of #BTC in May have nothing to do with macro data, right? Don't believe it? OK, PCE data will be released tomorrow, and everyone can pay attention to the rise and fall of BTC. This is not what I said personally, the market is like this.

Of course, you have to learn macro flexibly. The Fed's body is more honest than words.