Meme Valuation Framework

By most “token economics” metrics, a meme should be worth close to zero (or even no value). Yet, three memes have made it into the top 25 by market cap ($DOGE, $SHIB, and $PEPE), and that number is likely to increase.

How can we objectively determine which memes are worth holding?

The internal framework of MEME is called “attention economics,” and it focuses on metrics that are more difficult to quantify than token economics. Specifically, but not limited to:

1/Audience size. How broad an audience can this meme appeal to? (Man’s best friend, the dog, is obviously more universally appealing than some obscure inside joke)

2/Sustainability. Is this meme a flash in the pan, or is it relevant to long-term human interest? In other words, does it have at least the potential to continue to attract attention? For example, PolitiFi coin has a lot of attention now, but what about the coins of the losers of the election? What about the winners?

3/Gender appeal. Related to audience size, can this meme cross gender lines and attract more holders?

5/Visualization. Can you use an iconic image to represent the essence of this meme? If you can combine meme visual elements with new images (like putting a $WIF hat on someone), that’s even better.

6/Accessibility. Is there a lot of money active on the coin’s parent chain? For example, if you want to maximize the chances of memes, you could issue it on $SOL .

7/Category. Is this coin a pioneer or able to create a whole new meme category (like a national coin)?

8/Endorsers. Are there well-known or inspiring figures associated with this coin? For example, @elonmusk supports $DOGE or Ansem supports $WIF.

9/Community. Are the creators or fans of this coin active on social media?

10/Catalyst events. Are there upcoming news events that could spark more interest in this coin? For example, the election was a catalyst for memes like $BODEN and $TRUMP.

11/Origin story. Is there an interesting story, mystery, or conspiracy surrounding the origin of this coin? Satoshi and Bitcoin are a great example of this. RSIC•GENESIS•RUNE on BTC is also a good example. Did Casey create it?

12/Geographic coverage.Does this coin appeal to an international audience, or is it limited to a specific jurisdiction?

13/ Atmosphere. Does this coin bring good feelings? Does it make you laugh? Do you want to share it on social media?

In general, the core idea of ​​attention economics is that a coin's ability to attract attention is more important than other metrics. The more attention it attracts, the greater its potential upside. There are also very real and identifiable factors that determine a coin's growth potential.

Attention is the most important factor, and it is the only factor I consider when buying a meme. If you can attract enough attention, the whole world will offer you its treasures.

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