By most measures of "token economics", the value of a Meme should be close to zero (or even worthless). However, there are already three memes in the top 25 by market capitalization ( $DOGE , $SHIB , and $ Pepe ) and this ratio is likely to increase.

So what's happening? How do we objectively judge which memes are worth keeping?

I have called my internal framework “attention economics,” which focuses on indicators that are harder to quantify than token economics. Specifically includes but is not limited to:

  1. Audience size. What kind of audience can this meme gain? (The dog, man's best friend, seems to have more universal appeal than some obscure inside joke.)

  2. Sustainability. Is this meme just a short-lived phenomenon or does it relate to long-term human concerns? In other words, is it at least likely to continue attracting attention? For example, the PolitiFi coin is getting a lot of attention right now, but what happens to the coin that loses the election? What about the winner?

  3. Sexual attraction. Regarding audience size, can this Meme cross gender boundaries and attract more holders?

  4. Visualization. Can you use an iconic image to capture the essence of this meme? It's even better if you can combine meme image elements with new images (like giving someone a $WIF hat).

  5. Accessibility. Is there a large amount of active funds on this coin's Origin Chain? For example, if you want to maximize a meme's chances, you can publish it on $SOL.

  6. type. Is this coin a forerunner or could it give rise to a whole new meme category (like a national currency)?

  7. Spokesman. Is there a famous or inspirational figure associated with this coin? For example, $DOGE is supported by @elonmusk or $WIF is supported by @blknoiz06 .

  8. Community. Are the coin's creators or fans active on social media?

  9. catalytic event. Are there any upcoming news events that could attract more interest in this coin? For example, the election was a catalyst for memes like $BODEN and $TRUMP .

  10. Origin story. Is there any interesting story, mystery or conspiracy surrounding the origin of this coin? Satoshi Nakamoto and Bitcoin are great examples of this. RSIC·GENESIS·RUNE on BTC is also a good example. Did Casey create it?

  11. Geographical scope. Does this currency attract an international audience or is it limited to specific jurisdictions?

  12. Atmosphere. Does this coin bring good feelings? Does it make you laugh? Do you want to share it on social media?

Overall, the core idea of ​​attention economics is that a coin's ability to attract attention is more important than another indicator. The greater your ability to attract attention, the greater your potential to gain. There are also some very real and definable factors that will determine a coin's growth potential.

I still remember how confusing “token economics” seemed when it first came out. At the time, it felt too academic, like Wall Street guys trying to get in on the crypto craze in suits. However, just a few years later, token economics has become widely accepted and subject to strict scrutiny. Attention economics is like a new addition to token economics.

Of course, over time, attention economics and token economics will gradually merge. I said I believe the biggest memes will grow into giant monsters with chains, DEXs, branded apps, and more. (imagine Pepechain). They will gradually increase in utility (as we saw with NFTs in the last cycle).

But first and foremost, attention is what counts, and it's the only factor I consider when buying Memes. As long as you attract enough attention, the world will bring you treasures.