#Notcoin (NOT) is increasingly popular, receiving support from Durov

On May 17, Pavel Durov, founder of messaging platform Telegram, thanked the Notcoin (NOT) project for a generous donation.

This game-based initiative has earned Durov and his development team over 1 billion Notcoin (NOT) tokens, worth approximately 6.8 million USD.

Notcoin receives support from #Telegram 's Durov

These tokens come from 552,586 members of the Notcoin (NOT) community. Of these, 203,303 people earned tokens through the game. This effort shows strong support from the Notcoin community.

Before donating, Durov made a statement in support of Notcoin. In that statement, he illustrated how Notcoin quickly went from an in-game currency to real money for users.

In a separate announcement, Notcoin noted the important role Durov and the Telegram team played in creating a platform that sets high standards for developers. This highlights the close relationship between Telegram and the growing blockchain ecosystem.

Notcoin is becoming more and more popular

Notcoin recently distributed over 80 billion $NOT tokens to game participants and conducted a token generation event (TGE). Several major cryptocurrency exchanges have also listed this token.

Based on the TON Blockchain, Notcoin gained popularity from the viral tap-to-earn game on Telegram. The game has attracted 35 million participants to date and has effectively introduced users to Web3 technologies, driving significant engagement.