The current coins are interesting, with obvious polarization. Ethereum and MEME are rising, and those in between are falling.

The economy is down, so this phenomenon has emerged:

The rich are afraid of class slippage, so they only dare to buy large amounts of expensive mainstream coins for stability.

Those who want to turn things around and fantasize about getting rich overnight just want to buy a meme coin today and double it 100 times tomorrow.

Those coins that are neither big nor small between large mainstream coins and small meme coins are embarrassing, and no one buys them.

Having said that, the market is actually developing very fast, there are many projects, the market is always changing, and the hot spots are also always changing.

The previous BTC L2 craze, and the subsequent ETH pledge relay

And the projects that are still being brushed up now, linea, bear chain, etc.

There are so many projects, you do the screening by yourself, and keep an eye on so many projects, can you keep an eye on them?

It's very difficult, it's easy to pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelons

Many projects, if you miss them, you miss them. . . There is no regret medicine.

Just keep going, in most industries, the results will not be too bad.

The only thing to worry about is changing careers or being eliminated by the times.
