📣The current market value of World Coin is not high, and the user growth rate is the fastest. Our current analysis of the project is relatively optimistic. In the future, World Coin may be the WEB3 application with the largest number of users. The current circulation of Token is not high, and it may rise in the short term, but it is difficult to judge in the long term.

What is the best publicity?

Rising currency prices🚀 is the best promotional copy

Many people look down on WLD and think it is a Ponzi. If World Coin wants to continue to expand its influence, it must increase and stabilize the Token value to motivate new users. Otherwise, the project will die. The project has just begun. Personally, I think After the subsequent reshuffle, there may be a sudden rise.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that there are risks in investment and you need to be cautious when investing. Here we place orders and simply do logical analysis!