It's not for me to judge someone. But whether you agree with me or not, investing in cryptocurrencies is extremely risky.

I noticed that there are a lot of people here from countries that are economically underdeveloped and the residents do not have the opportunity to make a decent living

I would advise such people to avoid the risks that this type of investment entails. Believe me when I say that 99 percent of people here are like you and me. Even though they pretend to drive expensive cars, have mansions around the world, millions in their bank accounts. The truth is exactly the opposite. As you know, the Internet is a place where you can be whatever and whoever you want. But that doesn't mean it's the same in the real world. I'm writing this because I see a lot of people pretending to be something they are not. . It's up to you to decide what is good for you and can you afford the loss this brings. Be realistic because we live in a world of capitalism. And in that world only money matters.

I'm not a financial advisor, I don't expect people to do what I tell them. The truth is that fortunately I can afford to lose my funds completely. But, unfortunately, some cannot. And never forget that human life has no price. There is not so much money in the world that would replace life. Money comes and goes.Take care..