According to Odaily, UXLINK has been consistently topping the daily, weekly, and monthly rankings in the social DAPP category, as per data from DappRadar. It has also maintained a steady position in the top three for the monthly overall rankings. The platform currently boasts a stable daily active user base ranging between 600,000 and 900,000. The weekly active users stand at 1.1 million, while the monthly active users have surpassed 3 million. The ratio of daily to weekly active users is over 60%, and the daily to monthly active user ratio is approximately 30%.
Chain data from Arbiscan reveals that the number of UXLINK asset holder addresses has reached 3,897,546, making it the project with the highest number of addresses on Arbitrum. These asset holders are continually becoming NFT holders of UXLINK. Over 1.4 million community users have already minted UXLINK NFTs voluntarily