Bittime is the third largest crypto exchange in Indonesia

 29 May 2024 06:29 IWST


Crypto asset investment platform PT Utama Aset Digital Indonesia or Bittime became the third largest crypto exchange in Indonesia within 15 months of operations, based on CoinGecko data.

“Bittime places great importance on security, convenience and diversification of crypto assets for its users. "This is the main reason why Bittime is loved by users," said Bittime CEO Ryan Lymn in an official statement in Jakarta, Wednesday.

Ryan explained that his party provides complete and varied tokens, and is committed to providing the newest and most popular meme and hype tokens on the crypto asset market.

"Currently, users have reached more than 500 thousand people and continue to grow," said Ryan.

Apart from that, he continued, the company also presents a staking product, which helps users earn stable returns during the token ownership period.

Meanwhile, the crypto assets supported by staking products include several mainstream tokens to popular meme tokens.

Bittime's staking product has received official permission from the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (Bappebti), Ministry of Trade, where currently there are only two crypto asset exchange platforms that have this permission in Indonesia.