In the violent bull market of 2024, the consensus of the currency circle is that it is easy to catch a tenfold or dozens of times increase. You just need to be bold, hold positions in the bull market, and wait patiently when there is no market. 1. BCR20 leader: ORDI has a 5-10 times increase in the future, hold it in spot. 2. SATS potential stocks, ORDI is bound to Gas, and Audi must have a future. 3. SOL is the hottest public chain this year, a big trend. 4. ETH is Cancun's second-layer OP, ARB still has a good space. Recently, the hot BTC is expected to rise by 80,000-100,000 US dollars. Big investors with funds buy Bitcoin without thinking. For Bitcoin ecology, buy its ecological leader ORDI or SATS. ETH is expected to rise by 8,000-10,000 US dollars. For ETH ecology, buy its ecological leader OP or ARB. The second layer of ENS has been very hot recently, with a small market value and a large space. Don't buy something fancy, just buy BTC, ETH ecology is enough.