What’s going on BTC for this week?

Hello to all my friends. First of all, I’m glad that many of my family members are welcoming me back here after my rest. I’m also grateful for those haters still following me and taking care with my new post.

No matter how, thanks for my lovers and haters. Let’s read the chart together now. Let’s see the red arrow first, we can see BTC is going downward and it gave us a bearish momentum sign. Second, look at the yellow arrow. BTC price is going upward but MACD is going opposite way. So it’s another bearish sign. Third, BTC price is under my very own EMA line.

For these three signal on my chart, I see bearish for BTC in this moment. So what I’m suggesting is open SHORT at any high price range for BTC. Unless it turn back up and close its price above my analysis. I’ll only share out my entry price in my very own private group for my family members.

If you’re agree with my analysis, don’t forget to hit follow button. Thanks for your support and all the best in 2024. Peace and love ❤️