FET, AGIX, OCEAN Are Merging: What You Need to Know About ASI Token and Merger History

In an announcement made on March 27, 2024, Fetch.ai, SingularityNet, and Ocean Protocol announced that they have merged to create the largest independent AI research and development player in the AI ​​space. The structure that would emerge as a result of this merger was called "The Superintelligence Alliance". The most important development is that the tokens of these projects, which have an important place in the field of artificial intelligence, will come together and become a single token. This token is the Artificial Superintelligence token ($ASI).

A clear date has not yet been announced for the merger, which is expected to take place in the last days of May.

What is the Mission of The Superintelligence Alliance?

The alliance generally emphasizes the importance of the size that artificial intelligence technologies have reached and the progress they take day by day, and argues that this technology should not be controlled by certain minorities and should have a decentralized structure. This alliance, which came together for this purpose, will divide the work according to its areas of expertise as follows:

Fetch.ai with its strength in autonomous artificial intelligence tools and blockchain technology infrastructure, SingularityNet with its rich R&D history in artificial intelligence development and integration, Ocean Protocol with its capabilities in data sharing and monetization,

This will make the new alliance strong.