Talk about FIL

Fil itself is a very good project, with a very clear vision and a reliable team.

The biggest reason why this project failed is that it was sold as a pyramid scheme by a large number of people in China.

I hang out in many groups, and there are people selling Fil mining machines everywhere.

People who bought Fil mining machines, ranging from 70,000 to millions, are basically trapped.

Can these trapped people get their money back in the next bull market? I think it is very difficult. The dealer will not be so kind.

Moreover, the surge in Fil is purely emotional, and there is no fundamental valuation at all. It was cxed into this by some people in China.

The group is promoting that buying Fil will make you rich and free, and buying a mining machine can dig for a lifetime, and you will be rich and free.

But they spent so much money, did they really get the mining machine or did they really dig out the coins and can they sell them? This is all a mystery.

If you are really optimistic, you have to buy a mining machine and dig by yourself. I predict that Fil will basically be difficult to rise, not just because there are many people trapped.

It is more because of the bad reputation. Things with the same name as cx will have a bad reputation. When the reputation is bad, there will be no traffic, and it is all negative feedback traffic.

What is the use of it? Institutions will not buy it, big guys dare not buy it, and retail investors don’t have the courage to buy it, so fil is basically finished.

In addition to mining and staking, what kind of ecology does fil have? There is no use scenario, so where is its value.

Falling like this is just the inevitable outcome of the bubble bursting. , Now fil has a daily selling pressure of 500,000 FIL.

Selling 1.5 million US dollars a day, who will take over? There are very few people, and liquidity may dry up at any time.

The secondary market cannot take it, so it keeps falling. And there is no computing power encapsulation

Fil has no consumption, only selling pressure. You are full of longing for fil and see villas. But what fil will give you in return will eventually be cruel reality.

I know that some people will definitely go on with fil, and they can only go on together.