How to roll positions when you catch a big trend:

In the cryptocurrency circle, if you want to make money, you must roll positions. There is only one way to make tens of thousands from thousands, and tens of thousands to millions.

Many people love ultra-short-term trading. They shuttle back and forth between long and short positions every day, and lose the opportunity to make big money in the pursuit of small profits every day.

Usually, we should have more light positions and less heavy positions. The significance lies in the size of the opportunity. When encountering a big opportunity, we dare to hold a heavy position, and the profit will let it run. The rolling method is used. A big trend can make four or five times, more than 10 times. If you seize this opportunity three or five times in your life, you can achieve wealth freedom.

Rolling positions require enough patience and a huge order. There is actually no risk in rolling positions. Those who say that rolling positions are risky are those who do not use the rolling method well and do not know how to set a capital protection stop loss. Not daring to stop loss is the reason why many people fail.