Have you ever seen a real gambler? He cheated 10 million yuan for gambling.

Yes, it is more than 10 million yuan. I don't know if this is a real gambler. The gambler has been cheating money for gambling and squandering for various reasons for more than two years since he graduated from college. So far, I don't know how much money he has cheated. I guess he doesn't know or can't calculate it. (The court has filed a case for nearly 8.2 million yuan). Many people were sued for civil disputes over private loans. Some creditors went to the public security organs to sue for fraud, but the case was not filed. Some creditors did not sue or recover the money.

In one case, the creditor (the amount of money was about 1 million yuan) of the gambler (gamblers are generally called gamblers) got conclusive evidence of fraud, and then went to the public security organs with the gambler to sue for fraud. After investigation, the case was filed and transferred to the procuratorate for prosecution for fraud. The court sentenced a particularly large amount and a sentence of more than ten years. Without a reduction in sentence, the gambler was about 40 years old when he was released from prison. The debts he faces after being released from prison are roughly estimated as follows: 10 million yuan in principal; interest plus late performance penalty are conservatively calculated at an annual interest rate of 12% (the calculation is more complicated, some creditors have an interest rate of about 24%, some are bank lending rates, and some are four times the bank lending rate). That means 1.2 million yuan in interest will be generated each year; that is, the legal interest he has to pay after he is released from prison is conservatively 12 million yuan, plus the principal is about 22 million yuan. Of course, he will definitely have no money to pay after he is released from prison. It is still a question whether he can find a job. He will not pay it back, and the speed of making money is definitely not as fast as the rate of interest increase. This kid is still conscientious (it is estimated that the loan sharks, online loans, banks, credit cards, etc. have used the money they cheated to plug the hole). I haven't heard of anyone causing trouble for his family. It doesn't do much harm to the family. It's all outsiders. His family knows his situation and doesn't care about his life or death. His father posts on Kuaishou and Douyin every few days, and he is very happy.

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