7 quotes that will make you smarter and more dangerous.

1. When you completely trust someone, you will get one of two results. Either a true soulmate, or a bitter lesson.

2. In any relationship, if you are not respected, leave whether it is friendship or love.

3. Sometimes we have to accept forgetting some people in the past, because they do not belong to our future.

4. I'm not afraid of someone stabbing me in the back, I'm just afraid that when I turn around and see the person who stabbed me, it's the person I give my whole heart to.

5. If someone hates you, scolds you. You really didn't care and just smiled back. That's the noble man

6. The older I get, the lazier I get in explaining. Life is for living, not for explaining. If someone misunderstands you, let them find the answer themselves

7. Friends come and go, lovers also come and go. Only those who criticize and speak ill of you will stay and become more and more numerous.
