#山寨币热点 #欧洲杯

Most ETH-related currencies in the altcoin sector have seen good growth. As the mainstream stabilizes and consolidates, the altcoin sector will soon follow up

RGB++ has started free casting. The market has been sluggish recently, and the GAS fee on the BTC chain has returned to normal levels

RGB++ is also a very good new protocol, which has a good effect on the construction of the BTC ecosystem. Continue to pay attention to this sector. The market continues to be sluggish, and the time to buy the bottom has come. You can consider buying lightly and buy when no one cares

As the European Cup approaches, you can follow up with the fan coin series as appropriate. Among them, PORTO, LAZIO, and SANTOS can be paid special attention to. You can follow up as appropriate. Yesterday, the fan coin showed signs of starting. Pay attention to the dynamics of the fan coin this week. If it has not exploded before Friday, consider leaving the market. Once the European Cup is over, the probability of small coins exploding is not high, so there is no need to take risks

The rune market has started to pick up recently, and the trading volume has increased. Pay attention to high-quality currencies in the rune market and start buying when waiting for the second wash