The recent market is led by Ethereum. After Bitcoin reached 71980, it fluctuated sideways for a week. Ethereum hit 4000. The current price is around 3920. Ethereum's strength has also driven the rise of some cottage industries, especially the meme sector, which is particularly eye-catching. Pepe has reached a new high, and people has also reached a new high. They are very strong!

At this stage of the market, you still need to wait patiently for a retracement to buy low and do short-term trading. Don't rush to chase. Bitcoin is buying low at 68500-68000 today. The pressure around 4000 for Ethereum is not small. It is not easy to do it at this price at present. Be patient!

As for Sol, it follows Bitcoin. The retracement in the middle of the night did not fall below 160, so today's low buying can be around 160, and the stop loss can be set at 156-155! #ETH