For beginners who want to invest in cryptocurrency, here are some simple strategies to follow:

1. Start with Basic Knowledge

Understand the basics of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Learn important terminology, such as Bitcoin, altcoin, wallet, exchange, etc.

2. Invest in Famous Projects

Start with well-known and established cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). Both have high liquidity and have proven stability compared to many altcoins.

3. Portfolio Diversification

Don't put all your funds in one cryptocurrency. Diversify your investments across multiple coins to reduce risk. Choose several coins from different sectors (e.g. payment coins, smart contract platforms, DeFi, etc.).

4. Use a safe wallet

Store your cryptocurrency in a secure wallet. Avoid storing all coins on an exchange, as they are vulnerable to hacking. Use a hardware wallet or software wallet with a good reputation.

5. Periodic Investment (Dollar-Cost Averaging)

Instead of trying to determine the best time to buy, make regular purchases of a fixed amount. This strategy reduces the risk of buying large quantities at peak prices.

6. Don't Invest More Than You Are Prepared to Lose

Cryptocurrency is a highly volatile investment. Only invest the amount you are prepared to lose without affecting your financial condition.

7. Keep Calm and Avoid FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

Don't be influenced by excessive hype or negative news. Investment decisions should be based on good research and mature analysis, not emotion.

Following these strategies can help beginners start their cryptocurrency investment journey with more confidence and security.