"Bitcoin's price has been stable for five days, with low trading volume. However, large investors are still active, suggesting they don't want Bitcoin to drop sharply and may be preparing for a new high. Next week, important economic data will be released, including inflation rates and GDP revisions, which may affect interest rate decisions. The Federal Reserve will also release its Beige Book and several officials will speak, potentially influencing market expectations. The decision to cut interest rates is crucial, as it may impact inflation, political pressure, and financial stability. The world is watching, and the next moves will be critical."

I simplified the text by:

- Breaking up long sentences into shorter ones

- Using simpler vocabulary (e.g., "stable" instead of "sideways consolidation")

- Removing technical jargon (e.g., "market volume ratio")

- Focusing on the main ideas and skipping some details.#bitcoinrallies #bitcoinnewsupdate #Bitcoin❗ #BitcoinCyclePeak #BitcoinPizzaDay2024