The TVL data of LDO, the leader of the lsd track, is 35b. The circulating market value is 2.3 billion US dollars.

Then the TVL of ETHFI, the leader of the staking track, is currently 5B. The circulating market value is 595 million US dollars, while REZ's TVL data is 4b, and the circulating market value is only 150 million US dollars.

In the new track of staking as a post-bear, the TVL data has huge room for growth, and the gold content token is relatively small. Just do simple math problems.

After Eth etf passes and is in the process of open trading, Eth must be the main line of the market. The most important narrative is defi. Except for the old tokens in the previous round, there are not many defi tokens listed in this round, so the list of observations is also limited. Just pay attention to the data to grab attention.

Renzo is the sum of 7 chains, and ETHFI is the only chain ETH

In addition, from the perspective of token economy, most of the liquidity is in the hands of the project party. Among them, the launch pool and airdrop of the ezPoints activity in the first quarter only accounted for 5% and 2.5% respectively.

In addition, according to the airdrop regulations, 5% of the wallet addresses will unlock 50% of the tokens in TGE, and the rest will be gradually released in the next 5 months.

In the case of a lot of fud in staking, but the eth etf narrative situation eth ecology must be hyped, defi is the core of eth, staking and re-staking, the old plate is large and scattered, the new token has poor evaluation + low market value, so in addition to the old defi reform news, it is worth paying attention to.

New $ena $pendle $ethfi $rez 🆚Old $ldo $ssv $crv $mkr $aave $cvx