🔡In this market, not everyone can survive and develop. It is a world of the brave, who know how to read fortunes from the lines of numbers, numbers that carry traces of wealth or ruin. This is not just a game of money, but also a race of wisdom and courage.

🔡I have seen many people with x4-x5 or even x10 assets. However, with a zero-sum game, up to 95% of participants lose.

If one fine day, you decide to jump into the market just because you heard someone x10 - x100 assets, then congratulations, your liquidity rate is extremely high!

🔡It's like playing a game, if you want to win, you must understand the game. You can't play a game without knowing the rules, just as you can't win if you don't understand who your opponent is. That is why understanding and knowledge become extremely important.

📌Every penny you earn is part of your trade story, every failure is an expensive lesson. Please focus on developing yourself and your strategy!#binance #btc #bnb #bitcoin